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Yes my Husband is a Cross Stitcher

This is my Dream Maker Husband's latest finish. It is a pattern by Jardin Prive and the pattern is called Historic De Moutons. It comes in 4 parts. Kelly used the called for colors and a linen but I am not sure of the size.

Kelly has been stitching for years and will only stitch one thing at a time. As much as I have tried to get him to participate in the different monthly manias he won't. It's just the way he works. And he probably finishes things quicker. He can embroidery, Needlepoint and cross stitch.

His work is beautiful and sometimes you can't tell the backs from the fronts. I wish I could stitch that well. this is such a special piece since we live on a farm and have sheep as well as other animals. Our sheep are Babydoll South downs and they are so stinking cute.

Now to decide how to frame it....this one has a ton of hours in it so I want to pick the right one. I am thinking a red barn wood or something like that. I love stitchery he does!

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